Monday, May 16, 2005

Wow. A while since I posted, isn't it.

That's due to a combination of five factors: "World of Warcraft," - I got my dwarvish Rogue up to level 31, w00t! as they might say - finals, job stuff and hanging out with friends I may not see for a long time. And probably the biggest reason - gross laziness. Senioritis, avoidance tactics, call it what you will - the point is, I could in theory have a job by now, if only I had been willing to start looking in time. But since I wasn't, I don't. I still have no definite prospects, but at least, at least, I have a definite plan. I know what I want: to have a job in the Rochester area in journalism and/or something I'd enjoy with the potential for advancement.

(Blah, blah, blah. I know, "something I'd enjoy with the potential for advancement" describes every human being, pretty much. It's just that while journalism is my first choice, it's far from the only thing I've looked into so far.)

I also slacked off at the CT and what I was supposed to do for the commencement issue. I feel a bit guilty about that, letting them down and stuff. It worked out in the end, but still.

I'm in Vermont right now. But I figure that a deadline will help me get on track, so I've created one: as a graduation present, I've been given plane tickets to go see my aunt, uncle and cousins in Seattle, the Levesque-Smithgalls. I haven't been to their place since they got married when I was three. The ticket is for June 24, I think - and it's flying out of Rochester, not Burlington. So if I'm not out there by then, I'll feel pretty stupid.

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