Thursday, October 20, 2022


Wordle 488 3/6


Yesterday I biked the kid to school. On the way home I stopped by the grocery store for stamps for that postcard project and a few groceries. Unfortunately I got "normal" stamps, forever stamps, not postcard stamps, so spent more than intended and probably will return them and still need to get the right kind. The deadline is approaching, and we'll be busy part of that time...

Work wasn't too busy. Minor work on two documents. 

A little before noon I went to the pharmacy to get two shots, the annual flu shot and my second covid booster. I wish I had done so a week or two ago, because we're traveling and seeing elderly family soon, but better late than never. 

In my free time, I played WoW. No progress on those last three bosses. Anything else is just time-killing.

Later in the afternoon I did some packing. I made the salad for dinner before getting the kid to save time later. Guitar lesson was uneventful. The kid showered as soon as we got home and I made dinner quickly, because T. and I went to a Weird Al concert at the Kennedy Center while the kid stayed home with a babysitter. 

It was fun. Where most concerts have a band for an opening act, this one had a stand-up comic. I recognized most but not all of the songs, and some were notably changed from the album version. I don't mean just audio issues, I could hear things much better than usual, I mean a running gag greatly expanded on in the middle. The concert ended in an orgy of noise that wasn't really my thing, a medley like his polka pieces but not polka, just blasting sounds and lights, but still, overall it was more up my alley than most concerts we've been to. 

I have had side effects of every covid shot I've had so far, and this seems like no exception. I'm functioning OK at the moment but definitely more sore and tired than I'd be otherwise. I slept all night in the same bed, which is progress. I'm not biking the kid to school today because I don't feel up for it...

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