Friday, March 04, 2022

Structured procrastination doesn't work

 Wordle 258 4/6*


On Wednesday one more thing happened, which seemed beneath notice when writing the last post. Around 3:30 we got a new task, to update four documents. There was little information about who would work on it with us or when it was needed by, so I responded a little after 4 to ask.

Yesterday morning we discussed those four documents among the team. There were several weird things about them. I also continued to deal with a few low-level tasks and otherwise procrastinate on the self-assessment. Then, a little after noon, we got the answer to my question: they want it done by Monday. This would be unrealistic even if we didn't have other things going on, which we do. (In their defense, two of the tasks are individually minor, maybe even three depending on how you count them. But still, this is ridiculous.) So now, between yesterday afternoon and close of business Friday I'm trying to do the usual WAR stuff, plus the corporate self-assessment, plus my share of those new high-priority tasks so I don't leave all that to the last minute. Nice going, genius.

After work the kid had a guitar lesson. We've agreed to de-emphasize guitar; if she wants to spend her time focusing on voice or some other music discipline, okay. After that there was a scout committee meeting. The kid has enjoyed going camping and she has some friends in the local troop, so we joined. Unfortunately she doesn't enjoy much other than the camping. Oh well, at least it's not too demanding.

After the kid was in bed, I went downstairs and worked a bit more on that document update. Then I got to bed almost an hour earlier than usual. I was tired.

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