Thursday, March 03, 2022

Structured procrastination works

 Wordle 257 4/6*


Yesterday traffic was better than usual, in terms of total time to get the kid to school and back, but we still had to watch someone pull a three-point turn in the middle of the street in front of us. Better than usual is still pretty bad.

Yesterday at work I planned to do the annual corporate self-assessment, which is due this week. I have been assured it is an easy rubber-stamp thing, but it's still not fun or easy to figure out what they're actually looking for. I also planned to call the insurance company about the settlement from the bike accident. 

In the morning before taking care of either of those I watched the kid's school activity via Zoom, the sort of show they would have invited parents to in person if it were a normal year. I also closed out two long-standing documentation tasks I was responsible for myself, and reached out about two or three more I was waiting for input on. Shortly after noon I went to the bike store. I tried three bikes out and bought one. I have minor concerns about it but it's good enough, and comes with all the extras attached unlike that first one I looked at. Nice to have finally got this over with. After that, and after lunch, I did a little more work. I also bought T. a sort of belated birthday present. (I had meant to get her a facial appointment, but there was a problem or confusion with the credit card, so she had to pay for it herself, so this time I got her a gift certificate and I definitely will have paid for it next time.) The mail included... a check from the insurance company, but it doesn't exactly match the amount I apparently was supposed to get in the phone/app based payment. So I still need to call to straighten this out and it's a good thing I didn't do it earlier, because the fact that the check was on the way was valuable information I didn't have.

So my day was productive, but not the ways I expected or wanted. It turned out okay but only in hindsight. Yay?

Around 5 we went to pick up the kid. The three of us had no plans for the evening besides her guitar practice, but when she got home she ran into a friend, and she spent almost an hour at her place. After that she practiced the guitar, but fought every minute of it. She enjoys the guitar lessons but definitely not practicing. T. and I discussed letting her change instruments or quit but didn't come to firm conclusions. We'll bring it up with her teacher. 

Late at night we video chatted with a nascent PTA. Maybe I should have had more to say but I'm not much of the leader type. Putting in time at a volunteer event is one thing; organizing it is something very different. After that we got frustrated trying to make summer plans. We have vacation and family visits planned, but we also need child care for when we're here, and summer camps are filling up already. We got something for most of the time we didn't already have scheduled, so that's nice to have over with. I say "we" - it was T. doing most of the work. She's far more on top of things like this than I am.

This morning I biked the kid to school, so that was nice to restart. It was harder than I remember. I'm not sure if the issue is the bike - like I said, minor concerns - or simply me being out of shape.

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