Sunday, February 20, 2022

It would be rude not to make holes in the walls

 Wordle 246 2/6*


Yesterday we had a leisurely morning. Shortly after noon we went on a couple errands. First we drove to Arlington to give that storage shelf and a wine rack from the pantry to a friend. (The bike had actually arrived Wednesday and had been sitting in the living room, waiting in the box to be assembled.) Then we went to recycle a few random things (shoes, electronics) and did a little grocery shopping. Then the kid went to play with a friend while T. and I assembled the bike. It looks good. 

I have a wall mount for a bike I plan to assemble, but there wasn't time yesterday, and we might need more materials to get it secure (heavy bike, weak wall), and anyways I feel like it's not urgent. The bike fits better than I expected in the pantry. 

Made shrimp alfredo pasta for dinner.

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