Monday, February 14, 2022

We survived

 Wordle 240 5/6*


That was a tough one. 

Yesterday we ordered bagel sandwiches for breakfast. Then we worked around the house. A few months ago now, T. ordered an electric bike for herself. It has been delayed due to supply chain issues or whatever but it's finally due to arrive this week. (Yesterday we thought it would arrive Wednesday, but 10 minutes ago she got an arrival notice that seemed to say it's coming today. Nick of time!) Electric bikes apparently have to be stored indoors. We didn't have the space for it. The only option we could think of was the pantry. Putting it there would require getting everything off a storage shelf. 

That shelf was 20 inches wide, 34 inches long, four shelves on top of each other. It stored the air fryer, slow cooker, cast iron pot, cast iron frying pan, wok, two casserole pans, four beer growlers, our main mixing and salad bowls, two sets of plates and bowls (or more depending on how you count them), electric eggbeater, julienner, spiralizer, and more. I would have thought we couldn't clear it off without giving away massive amounts of things, either those things or things elsewhere that they would displace. I anticipated many fights about what's worth keeping even though we never use it. But somehow, by the time we had dinner last night, we did it. 

There were still some... maybe not "fights", but let's say "friction", where I wanted to get rid of things and T. didn't. And I think some things are in places that won't work forever, and we did identify two banker's boxes of things we can happily give away. But still, we did it. Yay.

Meanwhile, the kid was going stir-crazy. It was like 35 degrees out and wet, so playing outside wasn't fun. We reached out to the parents of three friends of hers but they were all too busy for playdates. She cleaned her room a bit, practiced her guitar, entertained herself out of the way a bit, and I played with her a bit in between cleaning. She also watched more TV than usual, drove us up the wall for a while, and nearly had a temper tantrum. It only got worse at dinnertime. I made chicken with a vermouth and caper sauce - fancy! And sauteed squash, which she just couldn't handle. There were tears when I told her she had to eat squash if she wanted dessert.

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