Saturday, June 25, 2022

Good Friday PERSONALLY, but...

Wordle 371 4/6


Yesterday wound up being the best WAR day in a long time. The main factor was, they were all submitted by 11 AM, maybe earlier. One of the guys who was very late last time actually got his in on the deadline this time for the first time I can remember. Recent changes to the process have made it so that editing it and compiling it are much easier than they used to be, so now timeliness is the only problem, and it wasn't a problem yesterday.

I went jogging in the mid-morning. The usual route. 

The kid got to watch a lot of TV in the morning as T. and I worked and her nana slept in. Eventually my parents arrived, a little after noon, right when T. was in the middle of an exercise class... Oh well. My parents drove T.'s mother and the kid to the National Mall for the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. Sounds like they had fun. 

At some point in the morning, the news about Roe v. Wade had dropped. So at 5, we arranged things so the grandparents would get the kid (and her friend) to gymnastics class while T. and I went to a protest. After that we met up at the gym. Then all 6 of us went out to dinner at the Boxcar Tavern. Haven't been there in a while. Afterwards, my dad had a problem finding the restaurant from where he had parked, but he managed eventually. The grandparents and the kid drove home while T. and I took the bus. For some reason, my knee started acting up when I got off the bus. This is a problem I haven't had in a while but it's not completely unfamiliar. I limped home and around the house last night and this morning.

The kid got to bed after 10. In addition to getting home from dinner after 8, Nana read to her, and was generous about it. Probably not a record, but close.

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