Saturday, July 16, 2022

I hate Fridays

Wordle 392 4/6


Yesterday the kid got up at around the usual time, which was itself a bit surprising due to jet lag. She watched TV in the morning (of course) and I worked a little bit. After we all had breakfast, we took her to her annual checkup. Getting there was a pain because it was downtown so we didn't want to deal with parking, but a Lyft took too long to arrive, so we drove after all. The checkup itself was fine. 

Then, back to work. This wasn't a WAR day. However, I had been given an urgent task on short notice. On the 7th the SME let me know in general terms that it was coming up. They sent it to me on the 14th. I had to ask about the deadline; they are starting the program this describes on the 19th. Yes, that's brief. So I said I'd have my draft to them for review by the morning of the 18th, Monday. Yesterday morning my boss asked if we could have it done by close of business yesterday. She acknowledged how unrealistic this was.

So I was working a lot more than planned or expected yesterday, although realistically it was only a tiny bit worse than I would have guessed Thursday afternoon. I also finished the transcript of the April school board meeting, which had taken us way too long to get. Yay.

Dinner was steak and corn, grilled, and a green bean dish. Not my finest work but it was OK.

I read to the kid at bedtime for the first time in weeks. We were both tired.

Big WoW news, I got the fifth Mage Tower challenge done, after way too many tries. On to the sixth and seventh...

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