Saturday, August 26, 2023

I hate productivity

Wordle 798 3/6


I'm surprised I haven't used this exact title before, but then again, I have used ones like it before, such as this

Yesterday I biked the kid to school and T. accompanied me, both for practice and to chat with other parents. 

I had a meeting yesterday morning shortly after I got back and I scrambled to get ready for it. As soon as it started I realized I had prepared for the wrong meeting. Ugh. The meeting we actually had was productive enough, with lots of follow-ups. 

I kept busy through the day. I found time for a short jog after noon, short both because of time and the heat, and watched some of the Superman cartoon over lunch and an episode of Guide to Sleep, but still, I tried stay focused on work as opposed to Warcraft, Reddit, or Unfogged chatter.

It was hard, and not rewarding, or at least it didn't feel that way. Realistically I have to admit that the efforts to organize things at work will probably make things easier at some point but I didn't get anything actually done, or even to a usually notable milestone of "done" like emailing a draft out. 

It was a Friday. I should be able to let loose a little bit. Maybe I need to make that my designated WoW day, but then again, every other week there's that report...

Getting the kid went better than yesterday. I let her play with friends afterwards at the playground, and that grew into meeting T. at school, going to the friend's house for a playdate, and having dinner with them. It was fun for them, which I guess is nice. 

We got home right around her bedtime at 8. I logged in at work for 5 minutes (I had originally planned do to it around like 5 while T. made dinner, but that obviously didn't happen), and decided that nothing could be done before I ran out of energy, so I just made a to-do list for Monday morning.

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