Saturday, August 05, 2023


Wordle 777 3/6


Work was OK yesterday. The biweekly report had more stragglers than usual, which isn't great. 

In the afternoon I got to several things around the house and took a nap. It was overdue. I haven't used the "sleep problems" tag a lot, but I've been having them.

We had dinner a little early because I had plans: I had signed up for Friday Night Magic. Yet another thing that's hard to do with the kid around.

It was a Modern night. I won one round and lost three, but it was fun. I was playing GR Tron, a version so old that I had a banned card in it until the last minute. Whoops! In the first round I was playing against an Amulet Titan deck and just got creamed. In the second round I was against a deck based on the Lord of the Rings mechanics; this is the round I won. I restarted the game at one point. It was funny. In the third round I was against a Ragavan deck, and in the fourth U Tron. I lost both of those but I feel like I had a chance if I was just a bit luckier or more prepared. I can see myself going back to these events. Maybe even Draft, in theory, but I don't want to deal with my collection growing out of control...

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