Friday, April 24, 2020

Competitive Introversion

I'm not socially distancing enough and I feel bad about it. On April 15 I went grocery shopping and got as much as I could carry. On April 21 I went out twice (the post office, for tax stuff and to send out paperwork for a refund for a trip that didn't happen, and the liquor store for liquor and some simple groceries) and T. went out to pick up takeout. We just had a farmer's market delivery. If our stocks hold up, we won't have to go out again until April 28 or 29. Four outings in two weeks, doesn't seem too bad considering where and how we live. Meanwhile, we've been on bike trips and walks for fun and exercise, but nothing that would put us within 6 feet of another person.

But then I talk to friends and they've managed to rely on grocery deliveries for a full month! How? What are we doing wrong? We sort of took the kid on a walk with one of her friends and the other mother was more vigilant than we were about keeping the kids apart and not touching the same things, why don't we love our daughter enough?

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