Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Going to stay with the in-laws in California was the best option for our productivity at work and the kid's well-being. Going to stay with the in-laws in California was the best option for our productivity at work and the kid's well-being. Going to stay with the in-laws in California was the best option for our productivity at work and the kid's well-being.

The kid is able to play or do educational stuff with her grandparents or great-great-aunt while T. and I are working, which is great after about three months of working from home while parenting. It's pretty bad for social distancing, though. Or at least, it's not nearly as good as I hoped.

I figured that they're in a rural area, so the family can shop weekly or less and we can stretch our legs in the orchard or at least the big backyard. What's actually happening is that T.'s dad is going to the grocery store every morning to get donuts, a usual treat when there's company that he didn't consider suspending, and I think he usually doesn't wear a mask. T., her aunt, and her mother have got manicures. Saturday and Sunday we brought a bunch of stuff from the shop and storage unit to a community garage sale and spent ~6 hours a day in a semi-enclosed space, intermittently  handling money. Yesterday we hosted a birthday party for the kid. About eight or so guests, only one or two of whom wore masks most of the time.

I really wish I had discussed ground rules before we came or immediately after arriving. At this point, fuck it, the horse has left the stable. To be totally clear, I'm not worried about about my physical safety or my wife's or daughter's. We have no risk factors. I'm worried about the in-laws' safety, though, even though they apparently aren't. I'm worried that we won't be able to get back home in time (if we test positive, we obviously shouldn't get on a plane for a while). I'm worried that we won't be able to see my family and new nephew as currently planned.

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