Monday, August 03, 2020

Am I working right now?

In the before time, when I mostly worked in the office, I put in about 8 hours plus 15-20 minutes to be safe, called it a full day, and didn't worry about it beyond that. If one day it took me 10 minutes to get lunch and the next day it took me 20 minutes, or if I read an article in between meetings instead of finding something work-related to do, who cares? I've seen my boss's boss's boss do similar things. It would be crazy to worry about that in a job like this. 

But now, who the fuck knows?

Being logged on for 12 hours a day could mean 12 hours of work or 2. If I'm sitting alone and focusing on a document or phone call and the kid is in another room entertaining herself or playing with someone else, then I'm definitely working. If I'm sitting next to the kid and trying to focus on a document or email and she's watching TV, I'm basically working. If I'm playing with her but checking my email every 10 minutes, or trying to focus on work but she's interrupting me every 10 minutes, or I plan to get up for a snack for just 5 minutes but stumble on 3 more things I have to do before I sit down again, then I'm...

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