Friday, October 23, 2020

The best day of home schooling while working is still not great

The kid has been home with us all week instead of at the pod due to illness. Just a cough and runny nose. We have no reason to suspect anything serious. If these were normal times, we probably would have kept her home Monday, maybe even Tuesday, taken half-days, and sent her to school later in the week. I might have felt a bit bad about that because she still has some symptoms, but time off isn't infinite, right? And she's as perky and energetic as ever, just sniffling and coughing a bit.

Since these aren't normal times, we didn't take any time off this week, we just juggled work and distance learning. It was only really a problem when we both had meetings and she had class at the same time. We also took her to the doctor's yesterday and got her a covid test. I held her down with the help of one nurse while a second nurse stuck the swab up her nose. I saw a little blood on the swab. At 5, she's big enough to really put up a fight when she tries, but not emotionally mature enough to listen when we tell her that this really is needed and the fighting makes it much worse. Or maybe I should be better at explaining things to her, somehow? Or maybe I should respect her wishes and not make her get the test, and explain to her the tradeoffs that would go with it? Or maybe this is just how things work these days.

But speaking of tradeoffs, we also took her to playgrounds several times this week even though we technically had a kid with possible covid. We kept to ourselves as much as possible and had masks on whenever we couldn't but I realize we shouldn't have gone out even that much. But we'd all go stir-crazy otherwise.

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