Friday, January 12, 2024

A first I have mixed feelings about

Wordle 937 5/6


I wasn't feeling well yesterday, as if I am/was getting sick. I'm not sure if that's why I didn't get much sleep, but regardless, T. took the kid to school without me for once. Cool.

Work was fine. 2 meetings in the morning, both productive enough. After all the needed follow-ups on them, I got my exercise for the day: walking to the library to get that book for the kid and the store. In the afternoon, I sent a few more emails and generally stayed on top of things. 

I also played Warcraft. I tried biting the bullet and leading a raid for the one boss I still needed for Ahead of the Curve, the raid milestone I normally regard as the endgame. After an hour and a half and 7 wipes, I gave up. I found someone advertising paid carries, accepted, and had my kill in less than half an hour.

I have mixed feelings about that. How much does doing it myself matter, considering that "myself" has almost always actually meant "pickup groups I'm lucky enough to get invited to"? I feel better about it this season than I normally would, because getting it isn't the endgame. My main is a warrior, so I sort of feel like getting the legendary weapon is the endgame, and this is almost necessary but not quite, and definitely not sufficient for that. 

On the one hand, I tried to pull my weight in the raid I was paying for. I survived to the end and didn't cause problems, unlike two other people paying for it who died early. On the other hand, frankly, I failed to pull my weight. My DPS was almost exactly the same as the tank's, less than half that of the top DPS. In layman's terms, it was bad. Part of the problem was a lack of preparation, which is partly because I've prepared more for tanking, and I can come up with more reasons that have nothing to do with skill, but even so, it's humbling.

Oh well. It's just a game. There are other things I care about this season (in addition to the legendary, and I don't want to worry about it too much because it depends on luck, I still have several +20 dungeons to go) and I'll try to reserve judgement until it's over.

So anyways, after that I took a nap. I went to get the kid and T. at the last minute. Dinner was pasta and squash. I got to bed early.

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