Saturday, January 20, 2024

Only one normal day

Wordle 945 3/6


Monday was a holiday, of course. 

Tuesday was a snow day. I worked almost a full day but also played with/supervised the kid. 

Wednesday, school was delayed by 2 hours and instructional time ended two hours late (which didn't affect us much because it normally ends early on Wednesday, but the point is, they didn't lose class time, just extended day program). Also, in the morning I figured it was close enough to 3 weeks and the kid could change her earrings, but in the first ear we tried, we couldn't get the earring out the hole the normal way. It was horrible. She's been wearing an earring backwards since then because that's the only way she can.

Thursday was nominally a normal day, but the kid was grumpy all day for no apparent reason. Lack of sleep? Residual effects of the earring thing? In the afternoon she complained about a classmate being mean, but I'm pretty sure she was grumpy in the morning too. Also, in the afternoon T. had a meeting with a teacher, and I brought stuff there as donations, so that wasn't a big deal but was a disruption.

Yesterday was a snow day. Once again I worked almost a normal day. In the afternoon we tried to walk to Capitol Hill for sledding with the kid's friend and her mother, but after getting most of the way there, found out it was closed due to the March for Life assholes. Happily, though, we found that Gallaudet had reopened for this sort of thing, so I took the girls there later. We had an easy dinner of fried rice and Five Guys brought by the kid's friend's mother. I also went to Friday Night Magic. Lost first round very narrowly against a Yawgmoth deck, lost second round against an Omnath deck when the first game went to turns, won third round against elves, lost fourth round against burn. The second round was ridiculous and fun.

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