Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Illness and Chinese food (not related)

Wordle 724 5/6


Biked the kid to school yesterday. Afterwards I made a detour by the house of the friend who had taken her to the Girl Scout event Friday, to pick up all the stuff that had been forgotten there. Two sleeping bags, (one for our kid, one for someone else on the trip who didn't have one), two sleeping pads, and the fifth Harry Potter book. Good capacity on the ebike. I got sweaty, not because of the added distance or load, but simply because I had a backpack on and my shirt couldn't breathe.

After that, home for a roughly normal workday. Fairly busy, mostly with my draft of a deliverable due today. Not a huge lift, but everything has to be perfect for this sort of thing. One impromptu meeting in the morning with the SME, some discussions with a teammate of mine working on a related document, and a meeting in the afternoon with the team it's due to. Plus a couple more minor follow-ups on other things.

In addition to work, we (T. was around, it being Monday) did most of the laundry we couldn't do over the weekend. I put away the stuff I picked up this morning and other camping gear that has to be stowed just right. 

Through all this, T. was coughing frequently. I haven't been coughing so much but definitely have a sore throat and runny nose. In the late afternoon I lay down and took a nap.

We got the kid a little bit early. Then we met some friends of T. who are visiting, doing the tourist thing. We met them at a Chinese restaurant downtown. Nice place, not fancy. I don't think I had ever been there before. After that we showed them around the Metro and bus system a bit before going our separate ways.

Once again, the kid stayed up late reading. Not sure how big a problem this is.

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