Sunday, June 18, 2023

The kid's birthday party

Wordle 729 3/6


Yesterday was the normal Saturday brunch. 

We spent the rest of the morning getting ready for the party. Around 11 some friends came over who couldn't make it to the "main" party for various reasons. Shortly after that I went to Costco to get the cake and pizzas. I got cut off in traffic on the way home and only my quick reflexes saved the cake. I vented about this to a voice memo app. I got home just in time; the table was already set up in the park. I parked by the gate and took everything straight there.

The party was fine. 70 people had RSVPed, but the park wasn't crowded. It was nice to catch up with P. and other people we haven't seen in a while. No drama between kids as far as I could tell, although there were some minor injuries on the order of a bee sting. By the time it was over there were only about three slices of pizza and three slices of cake left. That might sound like we had the perfect amount of food, but we forgot to bring out a whole veggie platter and fruit platter. Whoops!

Also, I didn't really have a plan for dinner other than pizza, so that veggie platter plus some leftover chicken was dinner. We all got to bed on time. It was a long day.

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