Sunday, June 25, 2023

Women's March

Wordle 736 5/6


Yesterday we had the usual brunch. Later in the morning we went to the farmer's market for a few groceries. 

After that, we walked to the library on Maryland Ave. to return a few things, and then to the Stanton Park for a rally point for a protest, since it's the anniversary of the Dobbs decision. While waiting there we called T.'s mom and the kid to catch up. They're having fun.

From Stanton Park we walked to a rally with speakers at Union Station and then a sort of circuitous route to the Supreme Court. I'd estimate a couple thousand people? Not the smallest protest, but definitely not the biggest. It was fine, except for the heat and the counterprotesters.

By the time that wound down, it was after 2 and we hadn't eaten since breakfast, so we went to what we were thinking of as a late lunch at Good Stuff Eatery on Pennsylvania Avenue. The original plan for the day was a Smithsonian event in the evening on the Mall with the possibility of not going home in between, but we were so tired, we decided to go back for a bit. "A bit" turned in to a nap, which turned into watching Dungeons and Dragons streaming. Oh well, it was fun, even though we missed the second event of the day... The goal these days is to (a) relax, and (b) get to all those things we couldn't get to with a kid around, right? So we did both, although not in the way we planned.

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