Saturday, February 10, 2024

Crazy week

 Wordle 966 5/6


It was crazy.

Monday I tried but failed to mail a package to the mortgage company to hopefully (not definitely!) deal with the biggest (one of the biggest?) remaining stumbling blocks to permits for our renovation. I failed -the post office didn't have suitable packages for sale, and by the time I made it to the UPS store, it was too late to go back to the post office.

Tuesday I actually mailed it. Yay. I also finally dropped T.'s bike off for repairs.

Wednesday after a routine trip to the bathroom I was surprised to see a hole in the ceiling of the guest bedroom. Apparently the plaster (sheetrock? Drywall? Whatever) can just "delaminate." I'm not sure there's water or insect damage, but I'm not sure there isn't.

Work Thursday and Friday was unusually busy. Lots of SharePoint issues, which isn't my specialty. I might have handled them poorly. I also tried to be productive about other things, which I feel good about in hindsight but wasn't fun at the time.

Thursday during the day I got T.'s bike. I also got 2.5 gallons of distilled water for her new CPAP machine. I meant to get one gallon. That was fun to carry.

I've got an adequate number of steps in by running errands, especially with so many being more complicated than expected. I haven't got any aerobic exercise, though. Not sure how I feel about that.

We had a nice date Friday night. After a rough end to a rough week, it was nice to have a semi-fancy dinner with T. and no kid.

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