Friday, February 16, 2024

Fitness and frustration

Wordle 972 5/6


My parents visited briefly last weekend, so that was nice. We took them to Granville Moore's, which I've been trying to go to for a while.

So far, the only thing I've learned by tracking my weight is that I weigh more after going to restaurants. I've stopped tracking day-to-day outings, and never tracked my food intake to begin with, but it's obvious the morning after. Duh. As for exercise, Tuesday I got out the rowing machine and used it. Good for me. The bad news is, I'm still sore from it now. Working out like that once a week is probably neither useful nor sustainable.

The other part of the title comes from... basically everything else. Fixing that hole in the ceiling proved harder than expected; there's definitely water damage. We're trying to get a contractor in here but they aren't being responsive. The mortgage company also isn't being responsive about that one form. I'm at the point of calling a lawyer but T. and the architect seem to want to keep talking.

Work is frustrating. I'm frustrated in myself for not working harder, with basically everyone else in my office (not my teammates, but everyone we need inputs from) for not getting back to us faster, with management for pulling me into pointless meetings for unclear projects... the job isn't the worst it's ever been, but it's not great at the moment.

Warcraft is frustrating. In theory I could not play my main character at all, or spend 2 hours per week maximizing my chances of getting the legendary on them and spend the rest of my free time doing fun stuff on alts or outside the game entirely. But it's actually taking more like eight hours to almost maximize my chances of the legendary. I could maybe be a little more efficient about it, but still, it's neither a fun nor a smart approach to the game.

Even driving is frustrating! Wednesday there were four car accidents in the general neighborhood of the school during rush hour. I really need to get the kid back to biking, not that it would have helped Wednesday, due to swimming. I'm glad we finally had a discussion about why it's so hard for her, at least, she has trouble getting started and is nervous about doing it in traffic, so a practice session is on our agenda. But that doesn't make being stuck in traffic any more fun.

I almost think I shouldn't be posting this because dwelling on it reifies it! Thinking about my mood when I'm not in the middle of that stuff, it hasn't been all that bad, but I don't know why!

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