Saturday, February 24, 2024

Relaxation, but not enough

Wordle 980 5/6


Last weekend was a holiday and the kid had an extra day or two off school ("or two": she had the Friday before and Tuesday after the holiday off, but on Friday she just had a lazy morning and T. took her and a friend to a museum while I almost had a typical day, so it's not relevant to the following), so we made our roughly annual pilgrimage to Rehoboth Beach. Left Saturday morning, came back Tuesday afternoon. 

It was fun. The beach itself was incidental at best. Instead we spent a little time on a nature walk at a nearby national park, a lot of time shopping, and a lot of time in the hotel pool. Despite so much family time, it was relaxing. (I feel a bit guilty writing that.) Sleeping in the same room as the kid helped enforce bedtimes for T. and I. She's getting into reading, so we could spend a fair amount of time reading our respective books without bothering each other. I wasn't cooking, and the kid can behave fine in a restaurant by now. 

Wednesday I kind of had to jump back into work with both feet. Some minor-but-annoying stuff came up while I was gone. Thursday and Friday were worse. There's this urgent thing going on, people aren't following our process and we don't have the standing to complain about it, and we don't even understand why it's being done that way. My management is reasonable, I have a good handle on what is expected of me and my team, and it's a different problem than last week, but still, it's definitely not good.

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