Monday, January 16, 2023

17 check boxes on the safety waiver

Wordle 576 4/6


Eggs and home fries for brunch yesterday morning. 

Leisurely Sunday morning, as usual, but we had stuff to do later, so not too leisurely. We thought about a playdate for the kid with her friend across the street but it didn't work out. Instead, around noon, we drove to the mall. T. wants new clothes for her new job. I let the kid browse in the bookstore (which has a big toy section anyway) and then took her to the kids' play area. It was meant for kids younger than her but she had fun anyway. 

After T. finished shopping, we had quick snacks (ice cream for the kid, she was hot with all the running around, and pretzels for T. and I) and then went to this birthday party. It was at a trampoline park. It was a lot of fun despite frequent interruptions with injuries, both of and in one case by our kid. A bad landing, someone else landing on her, her landing on someone else, some tears because she had apologized but it wasn't accepted... it culminated in someone else hitting her in the face hard enough that she lost a tooth. So that was fun. 

Dinner was a stir-fry from the freezer. Easy and not big, but we didn't know what to expect from the party. 

This morning I got up at 5 when we noticed the kid at our feet. He's still having urinary problems and therefore not allowed in our bed, and T. forgot to close the door last night. I couldn't get back to sleep. But I decided to turn over a new leaf on productivity, à la yesterday's post, and post an ad for this bike mount.

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