Friday, January 13, 2023


Wordle 573 3/6


Yesterday T. and I drove the kid to school and came home, uneventfully enough for once. 

I had a meeting in the morning and took notes, as usual for Thursday. I was more productive at work beyond that as well. I'm not sure if I should credit guilt/shame, T. being present to keep me from having too much fun, or simply getting close to the real deadline, but still, good for me. The deadline I've mentioned is two related documents, in theory due to be published by a week from today, but the part I have control over is sending my draft out for review with and actually getting answers can take hours or months; I sent my draft of one of them out yesterday and got a tangible start on the other. Woo hoo. 

I had another meeting scheduled for 2, but they decided it wasn't needed and cancelled it. Good for them. So a little after that I went for a walk. Three blocks from home it started raining, so I came back to get an umbrella, and of course it stopped by the time I had it. I walked the loop around the college, followed by going down to the Giant grocery store. Good for me, doing this stuff by foot again after relying on the car so much in recent months. Exercise aside, walking is meditative. I don't have to think about walking on familiar, safe streets, I can just zone out. Is this actually good? I suppose. There's never been anything else like that in my life. When exercising I have to focus to get through it, figure out how much gas is in my tank, watch my footing, etc. Biking is easier than jogging but I have to watch out for traffic.

Anyways, shopping was uneventful. We might be good through Tuesday night. Not sure. 

I got home around 4. I logged into work for about another half an hour. Then it was time to get the kid. Normally T. would go with me but she was napping and wanted to continue, so I went alone. The kid got to play with friends for a few minutes between me showing up and the music lesson. Fortuitously, it was a friend whose parents we wanted to get in touch with because of an upcoming birthday party. 

While the kid had her music lesson, T. cooked, with a little prep I had left behind. Dinner was salmon, peas, and naan bread. T. and I thought it was great. The kid hates the idea of salmon, but ate this with less difficulty than usual. Hmmm...

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