Saturday, March 16, 2024

It's not wallpaper, but the paint here is yellowish...

Apparently the 15th was Wordle #1000? Interesting.

Wordle 1,000 🎉 4/6


A lot of little things this week seemed calculated to drive me nuts. 

At work, to boil a busy week down to eight words, everything was harder than it should have been. 

  • One subject matter expert retired a document I had already put work into. 
  • Another subject matter expert reapproved a document without changes but I had questions of my own they didn't answer or apparently even understand. 
  • Someone asked to make changes to an org chart when I was the only one around, and I had to say no because I didn't know them and the org chart showed they had no authority, but I probably could have handled my response better in other ways. 
  • We had a briefing about a new task tracking system, and while the transition is unquestionably bad news for us, I'm more concerned about how unprofessional my teammate was to the messenger. 
  • The kid had school inservice Thursday and Friday and I had to pick her up before a meeting. 
  • Inputs for two urgent documents were late, and when they came, addressed the less urgent of two. 

Work aside, the kid seems grumpier and brattier than usual for no apparent reason. I've ramped up use of my orthotic shoe inserts to the point where I've worn shoes more than in most of the past 4 years (wow, there's a milestone), and it's getting warm enough that my feet get sweaty and therefore itchy. I'm even hearing a faint dripping in the walls off and on. T. can't hear it, and I can't hear it all the time either, but when I can, it's persistently annoying.

My mood is surprisingly good with all that in mind! Good influences include the weather, getting a little more exercise (which are interrelated, of course), getting more sleep, and making progress on some incremental things at work. Also presentism; I was miserable Wednesday and Thursday but Friday went unusually well. The WAR went well, I got some overdue admin work done, and we did some fun shopping before/around gymnastics. 

Healthy engagement with multiple hobbies might also be helping. Variety is good?

  • I ordered some Magic cards online last week and made changes to my Modern deck this past Sunday or Monday, but haven't actually played it yet. Some of that shopping Friday was at Labyrinth, where I got a Doctor Who deck. Not the one either the kid or I was the most enthusiastic about, they were out of both of those, but it should still be fun. 
  • I've mostly been spending my time in Warcraft doing Normal raids and easy Mythic+ on multiple alts, to complete their sets for the tier. It's a moderate challenge and a moderate amount of variety, and definitely a lot more interesting than trying to get the legendary on my main. 
  • A couple weeks ago I checked out the first book of The Murderbot Diaries from the library, mostly on T.'s recommendation. I'm enjoying it. I'm now halfway through the second book. It's not big or deep enough to keep me engrossed for years, but for every Wheel of Time, there's a The Dresden Files, so maybe that's just as well.

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