Wednesday, January 10, 2024


Wordle 935 5/6


Drove the ladies to school and work yesterday. 

The first two meetings of the day went fine - easy and fast. But the kid's school closed early due to rain, of all things. The weather was supposed to be at its worst around rush hour, but still, it seems soft to me. So I rushed through some things in the afternoon. I did some very brief calisthenics during the third meeting and then left early (I wasn't participating anyway) and drove in to get them. The kid watched Doctor Who for a while, but the guitar school wasn't closed, so I drove her back there for the lesson. While she was in there I took a walk, despite the rain. How fit of me.

Dinner was pork chops and glazed carrots. 

I wanted to complain about the day, but I was OK at work, still got some good stuff done in Warcraft (one more +20 dungeon done), and the rain didn't effect us (even though it did effect our neighbors; this is the first time I've been glad to not have a basement), so when I went to bed last night and right now I'm feeling fine about it, really.

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