Saturday, January 13, 2024


Wordle 938 3/6


Yesterday I drove T. and the kid to work and school uneventfully. Then I came home and relaxed, although probably not enough.

Work was fine. Two meetings and one document published; not bad for a Friday that's not the biweekly report day. I played Warcraft, of course, and went to the store briefly. The "probably not relaxing enough" part is because I'm sick - bad cold or mild flu or something - and probably should have found the time for a nap, but didn't.

T. came home a little early due to the upcoming holiday. We drove to get the kid. She had a gymnastics class planned, but hurt her hand in school (got stepped on!) and was worried about hurting it further, so we skipped it. Dinner at District Taco, as usual, but home after that. 

In the evening we watched Doctor Who and went to bed early. I was in bed for 9 hours. T.'s snoring didn't help, but her body heat did; I had a fever and chills. Tradeoffs.

I finished Starter Villain before bed last night. It was fun. It left me wanting more about the character and universe (similar to ours with a few differences, like sentient cats), which I guess is a good sign. Like The Doors of Eden but less so. It's interesting, I've reacted almost with disgust when a book ends with a sequel hook, like the last Dresden Files book or a certain Brandon Sanderson book, but when these didn't, I'm disappointed. Is there a meaningful distinction to be made between interesting characters and an interesting world?

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