Monday, January 15, 2024

Sticking with it for two years

Wordle 940 4/6


Relaxing except for errands

Yesterday I went to the farmer's market before breakfast and got some bare necessities, including bread and French pastries for breakfast. Easy and nice.

Shortly after that, T. took the kid to a playdate at a friend's house and I took a nap for almost 2 hours. I woke up while she was taking down Christmas stuff. I helped with that and also did the laundry. When she went to pick the kid back up, I walked to the drugstore and hardware store for a car ice scraper, because we've never got around to getting one before now.

Dinner was chicken and a simple salad.

After that, a babysitter came over for the kid, and T. and I went out to a comedy show. I'd call it stand-up, but those are usually solo while this was a duo, Jordan Klepper and Roy Wood. It was fun. It was shorter than we expected, but considering my health, can't complain.


I stuck with daily updates here for two years. I feel like that's enough.

This has been a comforting routine. Journaling is sometimes therapeutic in an introspective sense. And it has felt useful to be able to point to specific days I did certain things, like errands or doctor's appointments, although it's hard to say how it's actually important. 

That's it. It hasn't resulted in personal epiphanies; I never would have expected that. Generating prose daily has not led to writing fiction, incisive commentary on current events, or anything else edifying. I have actually been writing for fun, but not here, and definitely not for publication under anything tied to my actual identity. I'm just not getting as much out of this as I'm putting into it. Good for me for sticking with something, but this particular thing literally daily doesn't seem worth the time.

Going forward, maybe I'll write when interesting things happen but not on routine, boring days. Or maybe I'll do a summary weekly - still putting specific events on specific days, but not a daily navel-gazing session.

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