Thursday, January 11, 2024

A bomb threat? Really?

Wordle 936 4/6


Yesterday I drove the kid to school uneventfully. I had a couple productive meetings in the morning. (Preceded by some writing, and a little Warcraft.) After them I planned to have a both fun and productive afternoon, but I took a shower around 11:45, and came out to find about 80 WhatsApp message. Apparently the kid's school was evacuated due to a bomb threat. (I didn't want to link to that site, but the top 5+ Google News links were also weird. Journalism for local issues has really bottomed out.) 

So I picked the kid up early and we had a big lunch across the street from the playground where they were gathering. Then we went to the library, tried to get a book reserved for her, failed because it was in her mother's name and not mine, and got another one instead. Then home. She watched TV. I worked a little more and played Warcraft. That resolution didn't last long. I feel a little bad about it, but it was a weird day through no fault of my own and I had fun and made progress in the game, so not too bad.

Dinner was leftovers. T. and I both got to bed early. Lights out before 10, which is almost unheard of, barring jet lag or illness. I woke up around 3:30 due to snoring, but that stopped soon but I couldn't get back to sleep for over an hour, so here I am.

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