Friday, April 12, 2024

Touching Bases - Warcraft

Warcraft lately has been, in four words, relaxing and that's OK.

On my main I've done nothing competitive in recent weeks. Instead I'm working on A World Awoken, the meta-achievement for competing basically everything in the current expansion. I've finished almost all of it except for the time-gated parts (as in, something that we can't make progress on indefinitely, we can only do so daily, or we get a chance to do so daily, or hourly, or on some other interval... yes, this is controversial game design, but it's a small part of the overall game and the time limit for it is long.) Individual parts of it might or might not be fun or interesting but they definitely aren't challenging, so I'm just zoning out while looking for certain treasures or killing enemies in a certain area or whatever. It might be stressful if it were close to the deadline, but it's not.

On alts I've been focusing on getting class sets. For each of the past 3 weeks, I'd clear the raid on Normal (LFR difficulty is too easy to be appealing) on 3 characters in hopes of getting set pieces, and when I finished one character's set, put them aside and work on the next. As of this minute I have the complete sets for seven classes (out of 13)(not counting multiple tints of certain sets): warrior, warlock, mage, druid, evoker, priest, and monk. I also have seven pieces out of eight for hunters.

That leaves five with very little progress, and honestly, that might be how it stays. Three of the remaining sets I'm not worried about, because they're roughly as easy to get in Season Four as they are now, but the other two will be harder to get then. Season Four starts on 4/23 and I'll be away for most of that time, on vacation. And I'd really be starting from scratch on most of the last 5; I'm not just missing the set pieces, I'm missing gear good enough to be invited to groups where I can get the set pieces. 

If I wanted to be sure to get them, I should have prioritized the ones that would be harder to get in Season Four weeks ago. I didn't. If I don't finish this, it's OK. "Get all the class sets" has never been a goal before, it'll always be possible if I decide I really need a certain set for a certain class someday, and none of the missing classes are my favorites. 

It's a game. This is a lull in it. When I complete all my goals in it for the moment, at some point I should look for new ones elsewhere.

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