Friday, April 12, 2024

Touching all bases - general stuff

Wordle 1,028 5/6


It's been a while since I've posted in detail and we'll be away for the upcoming week, so this will be the first of a hopefully comprehensive series. 

Way back on April 1 I built the awning pictured below, because the cover for the bike had developed holes and had a condensation problem anyway. It's probably the most handymanish thing I've ever done. Good for me. 

Saturday morning the drip was noticeably worse, so I shut the water off for the whole house. The plumbers couldn't come until Monday, so over the weekend we drank bottled water and a jug I bought at a corner store, took laundry to a laundromat, ate takeout and at friends' houses (lucky we have good friends!), and flushed the toilet with water from a rain barrel (lucky we got those, all those years ago!). 

We also gardened. This was a problem when the plumbers dug where T. had planted flowers. Tempers frayed. She got mad at them for not listening to her about where to start and me for basically the same, and I got mad at her for getting mad at me or gardening to begin with when there was no water. Ugh. Not fun. But we basically kissed and made up by bedtime.

The eclipse was fine. Saw it while the house was being worked on. It coincided with some crime in the neighborhood of the kid's school, and everyone was outside for the eclipse, so school chats have been blowing up ever since then.

I've basically finished that personal writing project. Not done, but at this point I'm confident I'll be done. This is purely just for fun but even so, good for me for sticking with it.

Work has been fine. No significant accomplishments, but no major problems either, and progress on a lot of little things. 

Same for life in general. I think I've been in a good mood lately and progress on lots of things might simply be the reason why. Simply the fact that I have things to say about basically all the aspects of my life at the moment (i.e. the labels I use for posts) is a good sign.

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