Sunday, January 16, 2022

Title goes here to keep Wordle from appearing in the sidebar

 Wordle 211 5/6


 So far I'm playing other, simpler, free games, like Wordle or sokoban puzzles.

Yesterday was busy. The kid had swim class in the morning. Then T. had a haircut appointment. The kid and I got lunch. We planned to get more done during the haircut but pizza and stuff took a while and T. was done before we got more than a block away. Then we let the kid have a nap. We eventually woke her up to go grocery shopping. Then we went to buy chairs. We have seven dining room chairs in the house and five of them have something wrong with them - ripped upholstery, wobbly legs, something else - so we got four more and plan to give away the broken ones soon. By the time we got home it was almost 5. The kid's friend across the street came over to play. Her mother brought pizza later. By the time the kids stopped eating, it was bedtime.

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