Tuesday, January 18, 2022


Wordle 213 6/6


That was tough. The first one I happened to succeed at happened to have the same letter in it twice, which seemed sort of like a trick question, and ever since then I often get stuck thinking of words with repeated letters even though they haven't been the answer so far.

Yesterday was too open-ended. We asked the kid if she wanted to go for a drive. We thought we'd go to something MLK-Day-related, depending on traffic and crowds. She wasn't interested in anything so we shrugged and tried to work around the house. T. focused on decluttering. I did a little of that and a little writing/editing an email to an architect about an addition we're planning, and similar things. The kid couldn't find a way to entertain herself without bothering us, mostly me. I wish we had insisted on a drive, if only to kill time, and just tried to get those projects done some time later when the kid would be out of the house.

I'm ambivalent about how much I use my personal computer for work. Back when I was playing World of Warcraft, it was awesome being able to alt-tab between emails for work and easy quests for the game. Not great for my productivity, but I managed when it really counted. Even now it's nice being able to do stuff like this or other definitely-not-work-related things, whether for fun or for productivity in a personal way, in between work tasks on slow days. There are more personal things I can't do on my work computer than work things I can't do on my personal computer. 

But one of those few work things I can't do on my personal computer is coming up in about an hour, so I'll really, really try to finish just one more thing here before plugging the other one in...

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