Monday, January 31, 2022

False alarm

 Wordle 226 3/6


Yesterday the kid had a busy social calendar. At 11 we met friends of hers at a skating rink. It was only the third time skating for both she and me, and only the second time for T. We had fun. I can't count how many times the kid fell down but she didn't seem to care. The skating rink had these mobility assisting devices shaped like penguins. She generally refused to use them; her friends were more experienced and I think she didn't want to be left behind. T. didn't fall down at all, I don't think, and was very cautious. I fell down twice. The first was fine. The second time, I landed on my knee, and I'm surprised I don't still feel it now.

At 2 the kid went to a friend's to play while T. and donated a damaged chair to a used furniture/construction materials place, and went to Costco.

At 5ish another friend of the kid came over to our house to play until 6:30. After that I made a chicken stir-fry for dinner.

Saturday and while all this was going on, WhatsApp chat was hot and emails were going around between parents and the school administration. The school has a policy that if there's a positive coronavirus case and more than a certain percentage of the class is unvaccinated, then the class has to go fully virtual. On Friday the school thought we were at that threshold, but over the weekend parents compared notes, disagreed, and got the right records updated, so the kid is there now. Normalcy is appreciated.

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