Sunday, January 23, 2022

What's wrong with boredom?

Wordle 218 3/6


Not to brag but I think I'm actually getting good at this. It seems like eliminating letters is as important as guessing the right ones.

Daily stuff

Yesterday the kid had a swim class. After that we met a friend for lunch (at a place with a converted patio, so we were sort of outside, and had a lot of space to ourselves). We were prepared to go home after that but I had the bright idea of going to our favorite comic book store. Parking was a pain. I wound up getting one comic for myself. T. got two graphic novels for herself and the kid got two for herself. One was about Anne Frank. We really aren't looking forward to reading that to her. It's in a series she likes about historical figures. I think she picked up on our hesitancy - forbidden fruit.

Then T. wanted to go to a used bookstore a block away to look for another book as a present. After that, the kid asked to go to another bookstore closer to home with a more developed children's section. We agreed just because I had a gift certificate to spend. After that, a friend of the kid's came over to play with her for a little over an hour, while T. and I made dinner and tried to get some laundry and other work done.

I was exhausted by last night. It was partly just time on my feet, since I get so little physical activity. But it is also just mentally draining to go shopping with the kid. "No, you can't have three Big Nate comic books." "No, you can't have this book about the Marquis de Sade." "A used bookstore is a bad place to play hide and seek."


To some extent boredom is good, if it motivates me to do productive or at least self-improving stuff. I'm not the most industrious, driven, go-getter guy and I'm OK with that, but it would obviously be nice to get more done, not counting collecting stuff in a game. 

The house is cluttered, I might like to get a better job, and I have several books I'd like to read. I can't fix all that while T. is asleep but I might be able to make progress on some of it.

My daughter is getting older so we can enjoy some of the same things. She couldn't beat me in a game of Magic: the Gathering now, but if I offered to teach her, maybe in a year. 

Whether it's bad or not, I should be clear what the cause is. It's not gamelessness, or not mainly gamelessness. It's January and I've never found an indoor kind of exercise I like. Last summer there were many mornings when I went jogging instead or (or at least, in addition to) playing World of Warcraft, but I wouldn't do that when it's below freezing out. I like biking too. And it's a pandemic. Things almost seemed back to normal for a while but now omicron is going around. Going to any store is fraught (despite how we spent today), dining out is always takeout or outdoors, seeing friends is outdoors (also weather-dependent) or only a thing of dire need. I'll be less bored in three months whether I do anything differently or not.

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