Saturday, January 15, 2022

New goals

 I'm thinking about trying to write more regularly. I quit World of Warcraft Jan. 9, so I have to do something else with my time...

One problem with it is there's not much to write about. We're still working from home and the kid's schooling is still disrupted by covid.

For the fall semester it was only a little disrupted. She missed a week or so of school due to an illness or suspected exposure, but other people missed a lot more. The school couldn't offer us after-care, but we made do by hiring a nanny for a few hours each day with a couple other families at the school. Other than us working from home it was like being back to normal.

We had a lot of fun for the holidays. The three of us went up to my parent's place in Vermont for a week. Then T. and I came home while the kid stayed there for another week. She got to play in the snow with her cousin and my parents' neighbors' kids. T. and I got to do grownup stuff without worrying about a kid, for the first time in... two years? She had a similar stay with them in the summer of 2021. We've had a few days to ourselves, over the summers of 2020 and 2021, but not as long and it wasn't as relaxing.

But then school didn't come back for us. It did for some people, but the kid's class was fully remote due to covid. So for most of last week we hosted a pod again, just like most of the 2020-2021 school year. (Which I realize looking back that I didn't write about all that much. Whoops. Maybe I'll make some of those up?)

We hope school will be back in person next week. We hope the omicron surge will subside. This really does seem to be the one everyone is getting, anecdotally; we've had two positive cases among our kid's group of friends.

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