Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Time to myself

 Wordle 221 4/6


Daily stuff

Yesterday was okay. Not much to say. At work I started the day with a to-do list of five little things and one big thing. I got all the little things done, plus two meetings, so I feel like that's good enough. I need to send one or two unrelated emails but I hope I can focus on that big thing all today and tomorrow.

It was hard to focus yesterday at work and I don't know why.

I finished Sixth Watch last night. Good book in the "urban fantasy" genre, and the last book of a good series. I actually just found it around the house. A friend of T.'s had given the series to her/us years ago. Neither of us had ever read it until I got bored a few months ago, I don't remember when exactly, and picked up Night Watch. So that's done and I can get to any of the next three novels I have lying around, presents in one form or another. I mentioned going to the bookstore Saturday because I had a gift certificate to spend - that was a present from Christmas 2020 if not earlier. 


I've already mentioned needing exercise. I think I'm also short on time to myself. These used to be the same thing. I didn't get much time to myself for the first ~1.25 years of the pandemic but of course it was drowned out by other problems. Last summer exercise was time to myself once again. Biking the kid to school this fall was sort of time to myself. Now I'm not even doing that.

I've been taking my computer upstairs to work now and then over the past couple weeks and leaving T. on the dining room table alone. I started it because I noticed our nice new chairs would creak when I leaned back. Maybe no dining room chairs are meant for office use, i.e. eight-plus hours a day. We have an office chair upstairs and T. just got one she's keeping downstairs a lot, so I often use the one upstairs and just keep it there.

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