Saturday, January 29, 2022

Seize the moment because you never know when it ends

 Wordle 224 3/6


 Yesterday morning was fine. Nothing too exciting happened. We dropped the kid off at the usual time and I worked fairly well. I expected yesterday afternoon to be fine too. I expected to split my time between working on a document due COB Tuesday and personal stuff, and send out a bunch of questions about that document right before logging off around 5. Then we'd pick the kid up from after-school care and take her to gymnastics class.

But then around 1 we got that horrifying announcement of these times: your kid has been exposed to covid.

Not horrifying because of safety of course. She's vaccinated, we're vaccinated and boosted, etc. No, horrifying because it means she's not going to school for at least five days or something like that (maybe six! We got two emails that disagreed with each other!) and we should curtail social or other events. So we picked her up early, cancelled gymnastics, and are waiting to figure out other things. The kid is already noticeably antsy.

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