Thursday, June 15, 2023

Busy at work, orthodontist, errands

Wordle 726 5/6


Yesterday I drove the kid to school, despite her and my preference for biking, because T. wanted to go too to take part in a protest of the school's administration. The issues I've mentioned in passing many times haven't improved.

Work was busy. Two important tasks intersected in a bad way. A deliverable, a high-level document, links to five other documents that are all out of date, and management made it clear Tuesday night and in a meeting Wednesday morning that they have to be updated by the due date of the deliverable, which is next week. Great. For two of them that won't be hard. For the other three it might be. I'm not sure how bad I should feel about this. I could have caught it a couple weeks earlier, when I first got my draft of the deliverable. I did in fact change the deliverable to make the problem more obvious and link to more up-to-date versions of the documents, but even those are still out of date. We've been working all along on getting old stuff updated, and we've been prioritizing them by age, but maybe we should have put more emphasis on this sort of thing? I don't know. Just making the progress we have been has been pulling teeth. 

Also, we dealt with two more new things, one of which is urgent for unrelated reasons. Great. 

I logged off around 2:20 to get the ladies at the school. The first stop, the orthodontist's, for an appointment for an evaluation for the kid. In the short term, i.e. in August because we've already scheduled away most of the summer, she's probably getting an expander. Braces maybe when she's a teen.

After that the ladies went to the drugstore for cold medicine (T. and I are still under the weather) and the library and I went grocery shopping for a few things we're out of. Then downtown to a theater to pick up some things T. won in a fundraiser. It took a little longer than planned so we were late for the kid's guitar lesson. 

Dinner was tilapia and carrots. It came out fine IMO. 

I went to bed just a little earlier than usual. I was surprised this morning to learn that T. didn't join me. She wanted to make sure I got a good night's sleep so she took the couch.

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