Thursday, June 29, 2023

Work, haircut, errands, and takeout

Wordle 740 3/6


Logged on at the usual time yesterday. 

I wasn't terribly productive at work yesterday. No apparent reason besides the usual procrastinatory tendencies. Even so, I got to one data call, followed up on a couple things, and finished the last of the "easy" follow-ups on that big meeting two weeks ago. Now for the harder follow-ups...

I meant to run some errands right after a meeting at 10. But as it turned out the meeting was actually at 10:30, and I had a couple follow-ups, and then there was another meeting in the early afternoon. I didn't actually run those errands until 2:30.

I did it by bike, so that was my exercise for the day. The main errand was a haircut. I was due. Minor stuff included mailing a package as part of the decluttering effort (we follow specialized recycling instructions to the letter!) and a little shopping.

For dinner I was prepared to cook, but we wanted to relax and treat ourselves, so we got takeout from the taco place on the corner - quesadillas in our case - and watched Shazam 2. Once again, relaxing in ways we couldn't with the kid around.

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