Friday, June 30, 2023

Work, jogging, and WoW

Wordle 741 5/6


Went jogging first thing yesterday morning. T. and the weather report advised against it due to the air quality, but I felt I had to do something, so I compromised and ran just the basic loop, 2 miles.

Spent the whole day inside anyways. T. was home with me but basically spent the whole day in bed, sick. I worked. Some of it was frustrating. The day before yesterday, I got started on a task that had been on my to-do list for months. I had forgotten about it from March to the first week of June or so, and since then I was honestly too busy to get to it or close enough, and yesterday I finally finished my task on it, and when I tried to reach out to the subject matter expert about some questions... I found a note in a spreadsheet indicating that they said two weeks ago that it should be retired. Great.

Besides that it was fine. I had two meetings, productive. I got another old document updated for an oldish task and this one wasn't useless. It wound up needing more work than expected but I got it done in a day anyway. Good for me. I also played Warcraft. Two high-level dungeons and a bunch more casual stuff. 

The day was so sedentary, late in the afternoon I went for a walk around the block, just to get my daily step count up to the app's goal of 6000. Jogging wasn't enough when I spent the following 10 hours in a chair!

Dinner was air fryer chicken and grilled squash. Easy, fast, and I didn't have to go outside. 

In the evening we had a school parent's group meeting. Tough to figure out the next step(s) to actually get change made, if any are possible.

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