Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Risky exercise

Wordle 718 6/6


Yesterday morning I went jogging first thing. I nearly didn't. I was still a bit sore from the camping trip (nothing specific, just lots of walking, including several hills) and not just on the plantar but some new places (the calf? What's going on with me???), and had a bit of a headache (I'd hate to think it was a hangover, I only had two beers the night before, but no possibility seems more likely). But I felt like I was overdue and didn't think it would be any easier to do later, so I resolved to take it easy. I kept a gentle pace but actually went farther than I have in a while, 2.58 miles, maybe farther than I have this year although still less than the routine a year ago.

I hope I don't regret it. (It's too early to say. I'm actually writing these two paragraphs immediately afterwards.) I'm probably not getting physical therapy this week; I had thought it was scheduled for this afternoon, but the therapist's office thought it was scheduled for Monday, and that conflicted with the notary, so it didn't happen. This makes the exercise riskier but also makes being overdue more important. I'm just frustrated. I feel like I'm not asking for much. No marathons, nothing competitive, just enough miles to get the blood pumping. I just want some kind of exercise to stay in shape and because it's a more effective antidepressant for me than actual SSRIs. Why is this so hard?

So anyways, after that I got the kid to school fine and did a little grocery shopping on the way home. There was a parents' association meeting that T. probably would have gone to if she was feeling well, but she spent the day at home again, in bed for most of the morning. 

Work was fine. One meeting, productive. I got one document back to the subject matter expert, which is always nice. There are a couple other things I need to get done this week but they aren't in bad shape yet.

I took the kid to swim class solo because T. was still recuperating. There was some drama trying to drag her away from school because she thought she would miss a friend's party, but it turns out it's not a "party" so much as "cake at soccer practice", and I wasn't willing to cancel swim class for that. Dinner was a salad she made and tortellini - the kid's favorite, which coincidentally is easy.

I did sleep well last night, for what it's worth. 7 and a half hours may not be much in some senses but it's still more than I've had uninterrupted in quite a while. Not sure why but can't complain.

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