Tuesday, June 06, 2023

OK Monday

Wordle 717 4/6


Got the kid to school fine yesterday. 

T. was home yesterday, and therefore I was productive. (Aside from any guilt/shame issues about playing Warcraft, I still don't have the new card reader I ordered, so I'd need two computers, and that plus her own setup would take up a lot of space.) Didn't exactly finish anything, but started or made progress on two newish things, and followed up on several. Three meetings, two requiring input.

On the personal side, I exchanged emails with a notary about that renovation document. We met with them online in the afternoon and it eventually seemed to work out. I won't be confident we're on top of things for a long time yet, but we're following the architect's instructions step by step so far. I also got the air conditioners out of the basement, a seasonal chore I won't miss after the renovation.

Later in the afternoon T. took a nap. She hadn't been feeling well all day. Either she caught something contagious over the weekend or got exposed to something she's allergic to. I played Warcraft, and then went to get the kid solo.

T. supervised guitar practice while I made dinner. It wound up being new recipes for both chicken and broccoli. T. and I liked them, or at least thought they had potential. The kid didn't but at this point that's no surprise.

I put the kid to bed despite it definitely being T.'s turn because she wasn't feeling well.

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