Monday, June 19, 2023

Father's Day at AwesomeCon

Wordle 730 6/6


Yesterday we had the usual Sunday brunch, eggs and home fries. We also finished off some pastries from the party.

As soon as we were ready, we took the bus to the convention center for AwesomeCon. We only went to three actual events: two science presentations on things like acids and dry ice, and a meeting of people with Owl House cosplay, including the kid. (All events were kid-oriented. Not sure if that's extra appropriate for Father's Day or not...) However, we also did some shopping. For the kid, we got a graphic novel, wizard's wand, and pointed elf ears. For me, a replica of Gorehowl, a famous weapon from World of Warcraft. It's now on the bookshelf in the dining room. For T., several graphic novels, and at least one is of interest to me too. We also did a lot of sight-seeing where the main sights are people in costume. 

Dinner was at City Tap House nearby. Nice place. While there my dad called me. While I like to think I would have remembered to call him at some point, I feel a bit bad I didn't get around to it before then or make explicit plans, but we couldn't really talk in the restaurant. After we got home and played a little phone tag we finally had a nice conversation.

Woke up at 3 AM last night due to snoring and went down to the couch. I'm looking forward to when I can use the guest room for that. I like to think I might have started months ago, but between storing camping equipment in there, hosting the MIL like we're doing now, and other stuff, it felt like it wasn't possible or worth it. It'll definitely be worth it after they're gone, though, and might have been already.

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