Thursday, June 01, 2023

Getting stuff done

Wordle 712 6/6


I cheated. What can I say, I wanted to keep the streak going.

Biked the kid in without a problem yesterday.

I worked harder yesterday at both personal and professional stuff. Personally, I went to the grocery store, vacuumed, ordered a new card reader, and called my parents. (The latter partly being work because of summer plans, but mostly because we had missed them last weekend and probably would this coming weekend as well.) Professionally I made tangible progress on two tasks out of my list of five. That may not sound like much, but in defense of yesterday and the day before, most of them are/were big tasks. I was never going to finish most of them in a day. 

Overall, I could have done better, but I feel like I did okay

I left at the last minute to get the kid from school to her guitar lesson. It went fine. Afterwards, T. took the kid and a friend to the park, and they wound up meeting another girl there, while I made dinner: tilapia (it's been a while), couscous (it's been open for a while), and glazed carrots. T. thought it was great. The kid tolerated it.

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