Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Work, parenting, swim class, dinner out, and more work

Wordle 732 4/6


Yesterday we didn't take the kid to school because T.'s cousin and his wife drove up from Richmond to visit. The five of them - T., the kid, her mother, and yesterday's guests - had a tour of the NPR HQ in the morning. 

Meanwhile I worked. 3 meetings, two of which were focused on that high-priority stuff. The guests and the kid happened to be in the house for the first and last meeting, so that made things a little harder than usual. Plus of course work on the documents themselves. While I had the house to myself I did some laundry and cleaned a bit.

In the afternoon we went to swim class, as usual. There were problems getting the MIL in there to watch because she's not a DC resident, and once we finally did, swim class was cut short by a safety break, i.e. all kids out of the water for 15 minutes... of a 30-minute lesson. I won't miss lessons at this swimming pool. It's a mess on several levels. 

We went out to dinner. Nice enough. The kid's behavior was... OK. (In the restaurant, fine. But walking there she begged to be carried. I obliged, partly because I didn't get much exercise yesterday, partly because I won't be able to do it much longer. On the way back, same, plus begging for dessert she didn't exactly earn.) 

In the evening, normally T. would have put the kid to bed, but she got sucked into working on a letter for the school parent's group and needed my help on incidental stuff, so T.'s mother did it. I felt a bit bad about that and I think she might later. Ugh.

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