Friday, June 09, 2023

Busy Friday despite no report

Wordle 720 4/6


Yesterday I biked the kid to school with us wearing masks, because the air quality is so bad. But the biking part of things was fine. 

I had a busy day. One regular meeting at 9 I took notes at. One meeting later in the morning about a team's documentation updates that I expected to be brief and unproductive because the team hasn't been very cooperative or motivated, and as I expected the team lead didn't show up, just a couple of their deputies. However, their lead's lead did show up, and was motivated to get things moving. So those deputies probably didn't have fun, being asked for specific deadlines for everything. Good. 

A lot of work for them over the next few weeks still meant a fair amount of work for me today, just getting all that organized. And then there was another new task that turned out to be a lot more work than expected getting set up. Not for any good reason, just for multiple misunderstandings among my team. Self-inflicted problems. Maybe I'm not the only one sleep-deprived. And then there was a follow-up on some older tasks for/with my lead, and prep for my day off... busy. I worked basically up until 4:30.

T. came home around 1. Earlier than planned, but her coughing was annoying or scaring her co-workers. So I had company for some of that but she also napped.

We got the kid around the usual time and met up with the family who's taking her for the weekend, but instead of going straight home, had a student-led parent-teacher conference. Cool. She's doing well, but she had a little too much fun with the presentation...

Dinner was chicken and peas. Easy. T. went to bed before 9 and I joined her before 9:30, i.e. early for both of us. The kid went to bed some time after that. Ugh.

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