Monday, April 04, 2022

Weekends are tough

 Wordle 289 5/6


The kid's preference for weekend TV has shifted to YouTube videos. I don't like this. I'd much rather police the gender roles of mainstream cartoons than try to keep her away from bad stuff in that cyberpunk dystopia. Funny animals, ASMR, cake decoration, and sand painting are acceptable. Horror game playthroughs are not.

Yesterday breakfast was eggs and toast. T. slept in late, until almost 9:30. A friend of the kid's came over to play a little after 11, so we supervised that. We had a couple hours free before going to a makeup music lesson - she had missed one a couple weeks ago due to illness. She was very difficult about it. We're used to her being difficult about anything like practice but it seems like she enjoys herself fairly well in the lessons. Her being difficult about going to the lessons is new and worrisome. But when we actually were in the studio she seemed cheerful enough.

Shortly after that we had the monthly scout meeting. It was in the den leader's backyard, which is just a couple blocks away - I have to appreciate the convenience. It was cold but otherwise went well. The kid's friend in the den came over to our house afterwards and played. They got on my nerves a bit more than usual but it wasn't all that bad. Lasagna and green beans for dinner. 

The evening was a bit frantic, planning a potential trip to a family reunion this summer. We technically had some warning of it but it seemed like it came up out of the blue. We aren't sure if we'll make it, or if we do, how. Talking about that made me also think about longer-term plans, so that wasn't fun.

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