Wednesday, April 27, 2022

More or less normal day

 Wordle 312 3/6


Biked the kid to school yesterday and did a little shopping on the way home. 

Work was fine. Four meetings, but they were all only scheduled for half an hour and three of them wound up being shorter. Finally finished a SOP that had been in progress for a long time (over a damn year!), so that was nice. We learned that our office's budget troubles had been improved, so hiring was on the table, and there was a discussion about how (if at all) it could help our team. (Tentative conclusion: we don't need more people so much as we need other teams to devote more man-hours to us.)

Yesterday afternoon I reactivated my World of Warcraft account. A week had passed since this, for whatever it's worth, and in that time I made meaningful progress on several boring/annoying things at work. Could have been worse. Let's see if I stay subscribed until the new expansion or not. I doubt it but can't be sure.

The kid had swim class after school yesterday and I jogged in the gym. I'm already spending the full swim class in there so I can't spend more time, so instead I decided to push myself a bit by going faster. 

Dinner was spaghetti and sauteed broccoli. A new recipe for the broccoli that came out well despite a few problems. The kid technically, barely, helped.

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