Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Easy enough day

 Wordle 290 5/6


I feel like I should have done something differently there, but I'm not sure what. Try words with five letters I don't already have to eliminate more, I guess. 

Yesterday it seemed a bit too cold to bike the kid to school, so we drove. We've started renting our neighbor's extra parking space, so that made getting back home a tiny bit easier. We only really need it because we're going on vacation later this month and renting his space for the month is cheaper than renting an airport space for a week, but it'll be nice not to have to guess where we'll be able to park before turning onto our block and things like that.

Work wasn't too busy. I put it off as long as I could, but eventually made time to call S. about J. I will try to talk to him today about his communication style and stuff. After that I went biking to run one quick errand, to get coffee and a birthday card for my mother. It turned into two errands because the store I went to for the coffee had several cards, but birthday cards weren't among them, so I went to another. But I still managed to get back before I got disconnected from the network, so that was nice.

Yesterday afternoon I went jogging. 2.4 miles in 23 minutes, yay. At some point I should use the stopwatch app. So far, when discussing times in the neighborhood, I've just been noting the time I start and the time I get back and doing the math. Eventually I'll start to care about the difference between 23 minutes 50 seconds and 24 minutes 5 seconds, if I haven't already.

Dinner was pork chops, a frozen biryani meal for the vegetarian (on the one hand, vegetarianism is respectable, I want to support her stated preference for it. On the other hand, there are still so many vegetables she won't eat, whipping up interesting vegetarian meals is harder than throwing a slab of meat in a pan, and shopping is weird this week), and cauliflower.

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